


Copper is an important nutrient for our body, which plays a decisive role in a number of important biological processes. It is an essential component of several enzymes involved in energy production, iron transport and antioxidant defense. It can also help improve our cardiovascular and immune systems.



Copper acts as a cofactor for enzymes that play a role in energy production, such as cytochrome c oxidase and ferroxidase. It also plays a role in iron transport as it helps transport iron from the gut to the liver where it can be stored and later used to produce hemoglobin in our red blood cells. In addition, copper is important for the formation of connective tissue and bone growth, and it also contributes to maintaining a healthy immune system.

How much Cobber should you eat in a day?

The recommended daily amount for adults:

Men: 0.9 mg/day
Women: 0.9 mg/day

Vulnerable groups of Cobber deficiency

Copper deficiency is rare. However, people at risk may include:

People with Crohn's disease or celiac disease
People who have had gastrointestinal surgery

Vegans and vegetarians may also be at risk, as they typically have a lower intake of copper-rich foods.

Signs of Cobber deficiency

Symptoms of copper deficiency may include:

Bone and joint problems
Reduced immune function
Increased risk of heart disease

In children, copper deficiency can also result in growth problems and neurological issues.

Shine bright like a coin

Copper has been used by humans for thousands of years and has been an important material for making jewellery, coins and tools. It was also an important factor in the invention of the telegraph and telephone due to its good conductivity.
