
From 2,33 kr. per day

This specialized iron supplement is designed for optimal absorption, featuring iron in the form of Ferrous bisglycinate, which is gentle on the stomach and effective in supporting normal red blood cell formation and oxygen transport in the body. 

The addition of 75 mg of Vitamin C as Calcium Ascorbate enhances iron absorption without interfering with other nutrients, making it an ideal choice for those needing to boost their iron levels independently from their multivitamin regimen.

Personality types

Plantbased diet

Regular menstruation

Considering pregnancy


Active ingredients


Vitamin C

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A critical mineral

Iron deficiency is more widespread than we think.

According to, around 20% of women of childbearing age are deficient in iron, and pregnant women are recommended to supplement their diet with 40-50 mg of iron supplements daily.

If you eat a predominantly plant-based diet, the risk of being iron deficient is also high.

Learn more

What function does iron have in the body?

Iron is a part of hemoglobin in the red blood cells and myoglobin in the muscles. Hemoglobin binds oxygen and carries it around the body through our blood streams. You could therefore argue that the most important function of iron is to transport oxygen around the body, so we don't get tired and our muscles can function normally. Iron also constitutes a central part of the enzymes that transport oxygen to the metabolic pathways (converting water, food etc. to the nutrients our body needs) in the liver, brain and endocrine organs.

What are nutritional sources of iron?

Iron exists in two versions; an easily absorbed version called heme iron, and a little more hard-to-get version called non-heme iron. The easily absorbed version only exists in animal produce such as red meat and shellfish. The non-heme version is typically found i leafy greens (e.g. spinach, broccoli, cale), nuts, beans and dried fruit.

How much iron do you need per day?

Men and women who doesn't menstruate should get at least 9 mg iron per day. Women who menstruate should get 15 mg iron per dat. Pregnant women should supplement with 30 mg iron per day (from pregnancy week 10)

How can I avoid iron deficiency?

We cannot stress the importance of a balanced diet. To ensure a recommended intake of iron, then you should focus on the readily available type (heme iron), found in animal products. If that isn't an option, then you would want to ensure a steady intake of leafy greens, beans and legumes - preferably eaten with sources of vitamin C for an increased uptake.

Made for someone like Amanda

38 years old, flexitarian, and experiences regular menstruation

Meet Amanda, a flexitarian, living in Denmark. She has a pretty balanced diet, with a love for legumes, especially hummus, and makes sure to eat 2-3 pieces of fruit daily. However, she skips fish and dark green veggies might not make it into every meal.

A simple recipe

We have added a prime source of vitamin C to our iron supplement.


Important component of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to all cells in the body

Ferrous Bisglycinate

Vitamin C

Increases the absorption of iron and contributes to a normally functioning immune system

L-Ascorbic Acid

Fun fact

Spinach contains more iron than red meat

At least per 100 g. It is of course easier to eat 100 g of steak than 100 g of spinach, but we still think it's a bit of a fun fact. So Skipper Dread wasn't totally crazy about it.


Frequently asked questions


Do all people need supplements?

No. The common understanding from many medical doctors is that a balanced diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. And we’re not here to argue with that. But what is a balanced diet? And what about the exceptions to that rule? Like if you’re menstruating and losing a lot of iron once a month? Or trying to get pregnant? Or living in a country with limited sunshine for more than 6 months of the year? Those are among the questions we’d like to help you navigate.

Can you guarantee an effect?

The short answer is no. Most supplements rarely make a noticeable difference, but that doesn't mean they don't do something good. Vitamins and minerals are important elements for our health. In fact, the word vitamin means: "organic substance which is vital for an organism".

Since dietary supplements are a proactive product and we live a life of endless possibilities and variables, it can be difficult to determine whether you are better off than if you hadn't taken it - and if you are, it can be difficult to say why. Maybe you also drank more water during that period, got more exercise and ate healthier. But it is actually the core of our philosophy. We cannot promise that the actual nutrients will make you feel differently, but we strongly believe that their derived effects will.

When do the products expire?

If stored in their air tight pouch, at room temperature, in a dry and dark environment, then both the multivitamin, algae oil and iron+C supplement will have a best before date at two years after their respective date of manufacturing.

Once opened, we recommend to consume the capsules within six months.

At what time of day should I eat my capsules?

Given the chance that your multivitamin will contain fat soluble nutrients (K1, K2, E, D and A), then we recommend to eat your capules with a meal. If you eat breakfast - great! If not, maybe you should start? Or keep your vitamins close to the olive oil so you remember them at dinner.

We’d further recommend to eat the multivitamin and the algae oil together, but take the iron+C supplement at another time during the day.


Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. If you don’t like the party, we won’t keep you here. But we hope you’ll come back later.

Can I skip, or delay, a shipment if I haven’t finished my last one?

Yes. Our worst fear is that you build up a stock. You can pause, postpone or reschedule your subscription at any time from your profile page. We also send you reminders about any upcoming orders, with a magic link to your profile so you can easily manage it if needed.

What’s the delivery time?

We are able to deliver your products within 2-4 working days.

Is it only sold as a subscription?

For the time being, then yes. It takes time to fall into new routines, and we aim at being your long time partner in that game. For supplements - and good habits in general.

What if I’m unhappy with my product?

Step one is to let us know at Step two is, most likely, to get your money back. However, please read our return policy before any inquiries.
