Vitamin B2



Vitamin B2 is an important vitamin B-group that plays a crucial role in the body's energy production and cell function. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it cannot be stored in the body and must therefore be obtained through the diet. B2 is found in many foods, but deficiency of this vitamin is still a problem for some people.



Vitamin B2 is an important component in the body's energy production and cell function. It helps to break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats so they can be used as fuel for the body. B2 also plays a role in the production of red blood cells, and it helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, vitamin B2 plays an important role in vision, as it is a necessary component in the production of pigments in the retina.

How much Vitamin B2 should you eat in a day?

The daily recommended intake of B2 depends on gender and age.

Men: 1.7 mg/day
Women: 1.3 mg/day

Pregnancy: +0.3 mg/day
Breastfeeding: +0.4 mg/day

Vulnerable groups of Vitamin B2 deficiency

People at risk of vitamin B2 deficiency may include:

Individuals on a strict diet
Individuals suffering from diseases that interfere with their nutrient absorption
Vegans and vegetarians, as B2 is mainly found in animal products.

Signs of Vitamin B2 deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency may include:

Fatigue and lethargy
Decreased appetite
Irritation or inflammation of the eyes
Skin pigmentation or dermatitis
Cracks at the corners of the mouth or on the lips
Tender or sore lips, tongue, and throat
Swollen glands in the neck
Vision problems, including light sensitivity and blurred vision
Long-term deficiency may lead to more serious problems such as anemia, decreased immunity, stunted growth in children, and the development of nervous disorders.

How to have a blast on the bathroom

A fun fact about vitamin B2 is that it can affect urine. When you consume large amounts of B2, it can actually give your urine a bright yellow or greenish-yellow color. This is because excess vitamin B2, which the body doesn't need, is excreted in the urine. So if you ever wonder why your urine is so bright yellow, it could be due to an abundance of B2 in your diet. It's completely normal and not harmful, but it can be a bit confusing if you don't know what's causing the color of your urine.
